HOW are you being PASSIVE?
- Am I Not standing up for a right?
- Am I Letting another push me around?
- Am I Letting another put their words in my mouth?
- Am I Letting another put their need, want, feeling ahead of mine?

If any of the above are true chances are you are being passive

WHAT is your BASIC message?
- Hey I don't count... you can take advantage of me.
- Hey My feelings don't matter... only yours do
- Hey My thoughts aren't important... yours are the only ones worth listening to...
- Hey I'm nothing... your much more important

If any of the above are true chances are your basic message is not healthy for you nor is it empowering to the other.

WHAT LIVES inside that?
- That its NORMAL that I feel like that
- That its NOT normal when I try to DISOBEY that
- That the second I DO try to disobey I feel squirm, horror, discomfort in my BODY as IF I am about to do something BAD

If any of the above are true chances are high you will not move from this place and when you do it will be infantile.

ALARMS BELLS how does it make you feel?
- anxious resentful confused
- angry stuck hopeless
- pushed disrespected no control